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Iowa Events

    • October 30, 2024
    • 9:00 AM - 9:30 AM
    • Online


    Live Demonstration

    Among your MBBI Member Benefits is access to IBISWorld industry reports and discounted rates to purchase reports outside our plan.

    Attend this 30-minute live demo to learn about new features including real-time, state-level data, and how AI is being incorporated to help you make the most of this research tool.

    Spend a few minutes discovering tools that can be leveraged for valuations and benchmarking. Learn how to find detailed reports by sector, and take advantage of in depth analysis to support your business decision making. 

    • December 03, 2024
    • 5:00 PM - 7:30 PM
    • Western Racquet Club 1800 Highland Drive, Elm Grove, WI

    Registration Deadline is Monday, November 26th.

    MBBI Sponsor Appreciation Dinner December 3, 2025
    Plan now to attend both Sponsor Appreciation Dinner on Tuesday, December 3rd and MBBI WI Private Equity Connection on December 4th. REGISTRATION DEADLINE IS MONDAY, NOVEMBER 25. For assistance email

    • December 12, 2024
    • 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM
    • Des Moines Country Club


    Holiday Gathering!

    • January 30, 2025
    • Hyatt Lodge Oak Brook IL

    Ignite 2025: Accelerating Your Business for Future Success

No content or materials contained in any Midwest Business Broker & Intermediary Association (MBBI) presentation or event may be recorded, copied, reproduced, rebroadcast, or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior and express written consent of MBBI, which consent may be withheld at MBBI’s sole discretion. Additionally, any person or entity ("recipient") receiving such consent from MBBI with respect to any such recording, reproduction or other similar purpose shall also obtain and be solely responsible for obtaining any requested or necessary consents and waivers, in a form acceptable to MBBI, from all applicable third parties including, without limitation, speakers and presenters, and such recipient shall immediately and fully indemnify, release and hold MBBI harmless from any loss or damage resulting from any failure to obtain such waiver or consent. For all purposes hereunder, in no event shall any recipient receiving consent from MBBI with respect to any recording, reproduction or other purpose state or imply in any manner that MBBI has endorsed, approved, or otherwise supported such person, such person’s organization, or such content.

Contact with requests.

Midwest Business Brokers and Intermediaries (MBBI)
1018 W. Madison St. Suite 9 | 
Chicago, IL 60607 

Membership & Events Phone:

Main:  847.847.7703 

WI: 262.893.8691


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